Move over – it’s a simple maneuver that can mean the difference between life and death, yet some people still aren’t doing it. When you see a police vehicle on the side of the road, you have to move over so the
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In Virginia, you better watch your language. The Richmond Times Dispatch reported that James Berry was fined $250.00 for a profane message he left for Attorney General Mark Herring. The message contained some threatening language and Capitol Police said it was an
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Breaking up is hard to do. But when you add revenge porn to the situation, things can get cruel. Revenge porn is generally defined as the dissemination of sexually explicit images of an ex-lover without their permission. Obviously, these images and videos
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Last June, the Supreme Court struck down a provision in the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and ruled that in states where same sex marriage is legal, the same sex couples are entitled to receive the same federal health, tax, and Social
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Google is selling Google Glass for today only to the entire American public. This raises the question – how does Google Glass affect driving laws? In the District of Columbia, handheld cell phone use and texting is banned while driving under the
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In early March, the D.C. Council passed a bill to decriminalize the possession of marijuana. This bill moves possession from a crime (that would go on your record) to a civil offense with a fine of $25.00. However, the bill keeps public
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Recently, a New Jersey judge ruled that a mother can keep the father out of the delivery room while she is in labor, reports the South Jersey Times. The mother and father were unmarried and estranged, and the Court ruled that the
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