The DC Cannabis Campaign held two seed shares last week (on March 26 and March 28), the first at a local bar and the second at DC Cannabis Campaign headquarters. In the District of Columbia, marijuana became legal on February 26, 2015.
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In the District of Columbia, the court may order a non-custodial parent to have supervised visitation with the minor children. The Supervised Visitation Center is a wonderful resource that is run by D.C. Superior Court. It’s a safe place where non-custodial parents
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In July, marijuana was decriminalized in the District of Columbia. This November, the residents of D.C. will vote on legalizing marijuana. In family law, this brings up the question: how does legalized marijuana affect custody disputes? Marijuana’s growing social acceptance is complicating the
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At midnight, the District of Columbia ordinance reducing marijuana possession to a $25.00 fine went into effect. The legislation amended the possession or transfer of up to one ounce of marijuana from a criminal misdemeanor to a civil violation. The public consumption
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Last week, police in Waynesboro arrested two men for huffing an aerosol can. Huffing is a form of inhaling intoxicants, either by the nose or mouth. Inhaling noxious fumes has been an easy and cheap way to get high. While the products
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In early March, the D.C. Council passed a bill to decriminalize the possession of marijuana. This bill moves possession from a crime (that would go on your record) to a civil offense with a fine of $25.00. However, the bill keeps public
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