DC’s Marijuana Seed Shares
The DC Cannabis Campaign held two seed shares last week (on March 26 and March 28), the first at a local bar and the second at DC Cannabis Campaign headquarters.
In the District of Columbia, marijuana became legal on February 26, 2015. However, the law came with many stipulations: you can only possess up to two ounces, you can grow up to six marijuana plants in your primary residence, you can only smoke marijuana in private residences, and you must be over the age of 21. The interference of Congress prevents the city from creating a regulatory structure to sell or tax the drug. Therefore, buying and selling marijuana is still illegal.
The seed shares were offered as solutions to that problem. There is nothing preventing people from sharing seeds or the drug. The Washington Post called it a massive, public drug deal. While there were hundreds of people lined up to participate, and police officers on the scene, everything remained calm and orderly.
For the time being, the seed share model may be all that D.C. gets. A bill before the D.C. Council, which would create a system of retail sales, has been blocked by Congress.